Back in 2003 after having spent the year before reading Sarah Ban Breathnach's book "Simple Abundance" I took her suggestion to heart and wrote my own daily devotional. Each day I took a line or two from one of the various spiritual authors from the last three centuries I was reading and wrote my own thoughts on the subject. I then looked for a scripture that illustrated the truth that had been revealed to me. What follows is the result.

"Our greatest bondage is to have our own way; our greatest freedom is to let God have His way." Warren Wiersbe

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19

“God will not equip us with His power while we are racing off to our next appointment!  His Spirit will not empower us if we are oblivious to what He is saying.  He requires our complete attention before he will fill us with the powerful presence of His Spirit.”  H. Blackaby, Experiencing God Day-by-Day, 10/2

This is a good day for me to read this and write about it.  I’m feeling particularly inundated with things to do.  Because of that I found my attention drifting as I read my morning devotionals and realizing I wasn’t “getting anything” out of them.  But this one struck a chord with me, and I then understood why the others weren’t “speaking” to me.  In fact, now that God has my attention I realized He woke me up with this message.  On the radio the fellow was talking about how we really don’t listen to people when they talk.  Instead, we’re usually busy thinking about what we want to say next.  I noticed this on the TV news yesterday.  The interviewer had asked a question that the interviewee did not answer, but the Interviewer went on to another question.  I guess she wasn’t listening to the other person either.  I am guilty of this myself.  I took an acting class once that stressed that once you memorize your lines, you need to forget about them and focus on what the other person is saying instead.  This will prompt your memory while allowing you to have a real interaction with the other person in the scene.  This is good advice for all of us!

“Guard your steps when you go to the house of God; to draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools;”  Ecclesiastes 5:1a


  1. Listening surely is vital, and listening to God as he is speaking to us through everyone we meet as well. Then with our discerning ear we pray for, we are guided in the right next steps..... thank you for the reminder to Listen to God and his children.. step by step with ego out of the way and self gone.. we follw God our Father in our walk with Him . working our salvation out humbly meekly reverently and joyous
