Back in 2003 after having spent the year before reading Sarah Ban Breathnach's book "Simple Abundance" I took her suggestion to heart and wrote my own daily devotional. Each day I took a line or two from one of the various spiritual authors from the last three centuries I was reading and wrote my own thoughts on the subject. I then looked for a scripture that illustrated the truth that had been revealed to me. What follows is the result.

"Our greatest bondage is to have our own way; our greatest freedom is to let God have His way." Warren Wiersbe

Monday, March 28, 2011

Prayer Bookmark

I use the below prayer each morning to ask God to help me live one day at a time in His Care.  It can be copied and pasted onto another page, then printed and laminated and used as a bookmark for your Bible or devotional book where you will see it each morning and be reminded you belong to God.  

Father, I surrender 
yesterday and give 
it up to You.  I give 
You my failures, my 
regrets, and my 
disappointments, for 
I have no more use 
for them.  Make me 
now a new person, 
forgetting what lies 
behind and pressing 
on toward that 
which lies ahead of 
me.  I give You all my 
hopes and dreams 
for the future.  
Purify them by Your 
Spirit so that my 
will shall truly 
reflect Your will 
for me.  As I stand 
on the threshold of 
another day, 
encourage me by my 
successes of the 
past, challenge me 
by the power of 
your Word, and 
guide me by the 
presence of Your 
Holy Spirit.
-Our Daily Bread

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